We Bring The Change

Alternative irrigation systems for small farms

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Please contact us with questions on:

Rigid-Gated Pipe Furrow irrigation at: gatedpipeirrig@arrabwallc.com

Wheel line Sprinkler irrigation at wheellineirrig@arrabwallc.com

Certa-Set Sprinkler irrigation at certasetirrig@arrabwallc.com

Twin Falls, Idaho, USA

Tel: +12082937780

Arrabwa LLC is an appointed dealer to export three irrigation methods (shown in the video below) from the USA

With the commitment to modernize small farms irrigation, reduce agricultural water use by 30%, reduce fuel use, promote use of solar powered water pumps, help farmers to have descent working conditions, and reduce health hazards.


Arial view of the three irrigation systems available for modernization of irrigation in small farms

1.Rigid-Gated Pipe (RGP)

Rigid-Gated Pipe Brochure.pdf

Rigid gated pipe brochure

Laser leveling is essential for RGP

RGP: Pipes are mobile and can be rented

RGP delivered in the field and ready for installation

Transporting pipes

RGP: Simple manual installation


Large farm irrigated with rigid-gated pipe


Surge Valve Brochure

3-Surge Irrigation.mp4

Current water management practice

2. Wheel Line Sprinkler

Wheeal Line sprinkler Brochure.pdf

Wheel line brochure

Wheel line: Mover unit- 8hp engine

Wheel line: water source main line

Crops ready for a harvest

Wheel_Line_Irrigation Graphic(1).mp4

Wheel line pattern of irrigation

3. Certa-Set Sprinkler System

Solid-setCerta-set brochure.pdf

Certa-set system brochure

Cert-set saddle for sprinkler riser

Solid-setCerta-set brochure.pdf

Lay out of Cert-Set pipes

Advanatage of Rigid-Gated Pipe for furrow Irrigation.docx

Advantage of USING RGP for Furrow Irrigation